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Point of View.

Point of View.

I love to see things from different point of view...I think it's the challenge of every photographer who doesn't want to get something typical. I hope to be not typical!

Shouting Faces.

Shouting Faces.

The Jewish Museum in Berlin shows these creepy faces on a large ground. People can walk over the faces, see them shouting, and heard the crushing noise of the metal. It's been a spooky and eerie experience!

Grey Corners.

Grey Corners.

Berlin is fool of street art but it is also the city of grey. But this corners are different. It is the Holocaust Mahnmal, blocks of cement which represent the jewish victims of Europe. there are 2711 steles where people can perceive the coldness of stone and admires the play of lights and shadows.

Craft everywhere.

Craft everywhere.

Florence is full of street artist, and Ponte Vecchio is the centre of art. This photo represents his means

Hard Work.

Hard Work.

These moroccan women were opening the Argan nuts to make the oil. And the shocking thing is that they were working all day long with that steaming weather.

The time goes by

The time goes by

This is a simple chair before a simple wall many people sat there? How many stories have been told there? Or How many couples kissed there? Think about it...every object has his own story.

Outstanding pink.

Outstanding pink.

I just want to show you how important are colors. Pink is everywhere in Marrakech and, despite of the chair in the foreground, what is more outstanding is the pink.

Something wrong.

Something wrong.

This is the Baia Palace in Marrakech where a lot of beautiful colors and perfect details stand out but this is the exception..when all is flawless there's always something twisted.

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